
αντίο Gary

Hello all - Just a quick hello to let you all know that Cyprus is great and as I suspected it looks highly unlikey I'll be gracing British shores again anytime soon...
...P.S. anybody who didn't know (just occurred to me) I have gone to live in Cyprus, and it's really rather nice.
Ah. Ta ta dden.

Ma hyn 'ond yn cefnogi'r theori fod Gary eisiuau bod yn Byron (a symudodd i Roeg ym 1824 i wrthrhyfela'n erbyn y Tyrciaid.) Ddylai llythr Shelley o 1821, ar ôl ymweld â Byron yn yr Eidal, fod yn ddigon o rhybydd:
Lord Byron gets up at two. I get up, quite contrary to my usual custom . . . at 12. After breakfast we sit talking till six. From six to eight we gallop through the pine forest which divide Ravenna from the sea; we then come home and dine, and sit up gossiping till six in the morning. I don't suppose this will kill me in a week or fortnight, but I shall not try it longer. Lord B.'s establishment consists, besides servants, of ten horses, eight enormous dogs, three monkeys, five cats, an eagle, a crow, and a falcon; and all these, except the horses, walk about the house, which every now and then resounds with their unarbitrated quarrels, as if they were the masters of it. . . .
[P.S.] I find that my enumeration of the animals in this Circean Palace was defective . . . . I have just met on the grand staircase five peacocks, two guinea hens, and an Egyptian crane. I wonder who all these animals were before they were changed into these shapes.