
Ol nodyn i'r post diwethaf...

Dolen i gwis 'personolaeth cerddorol' isod...
I'm Thelonious Monk's "Five Spot Blues"
I'm Thelonious Monk's "Five Spot Blues"
Take The Music Quiz today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

You're smooth, baby, smooth. You have style, grace, and skill with the ladies (or gentlemen, as the case may be). You dazzle people with your foot-tapping beats and seduce your listeners with upbeat riffs.

2 Sylwadau:

At 5:01 AM, dywedodd...Blogger Chris Cope

Meh? Dw i'n "Since by Man Came Death" gan Handel. Dw i ddim yn deall hyn o gwbl.

At 1:41 PM, dywedodd...Blogger Nwdls


"I'm T. Rex's "Planet Queen"

You're edgy, experimental, and like to boogie on a Saturday night. You probably dabble in drugs, but we still love you anyway. Keep that 70s punk rock thing going, man, it works for you."

He he he!


ychwanegu sylw

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